This file contains constant definitions.
Module Attributes
Observable ID column in the observable and measurement tables |
Preequilibration condition ID column in the measurement table |
Simulation condition ID column in the measurement table |
Measurement value column in the measurement table |
Time column in the measurement table |
Time value that indicates steady-state measurements |
Observable parameters column in the measurement table |
Noise parameters column in the measurement table |
Dataset ID column in the measurement table |
Replicate ID column in the measurement table |
Mandatory columns of measurement table |
Optional columns of measurement table |
Measurement table columns |
Parameter ID column in the parameter table |
Parameter name column in the parameter table |
Parameter scale column in the parameter table |
Lower bound column in the parameter table |
Upper bound column in the parameter table |
Nominal value column in the parameter table |
Estimate column in the parameter table |
Initialization prior type column in the parameter table |
Initialization prior parameters column in the parameter table |
Objective prior type column in the parameter table |
Objective prior parameters column in the parameter table |
Mandatory columns of parameter table |
Optional columns of parameter table |
Parameter table columns |
Initialization-type prior |
Objective-type prior |
Condition ID column in the condition table |
Condition name column in the condition table |
Observable name column in the observables table |
Observable formula column in the observables table |
Noise formula column in the observables table |
Observable transformation column in the observables table |
Noise distribution column in the observables table |
Mandatory columns of observables table |
Optional columns of observables table |
Observables table columns |
Linear transformation |
Logarithmic transformation |
Logarithmic base 10 transformation |
Supported observable transformations |
Uniform distribution |
Uniform distribution on the parameter scale |
Normal distribution |
Normal distribution on the parameter scale |
Laplace distribution |
Laplace distribution on the parameter scale |
Log-normal distribution |
Log-Laplace distribution |
Supported prior types |
Supported noise distributions |
Plot ID column in the visualization table |
Plot name column in the visualization table |
Value for plot type 'simulation' in the visualization table |
Value for plot type 'data' in the visualization table |
X values column in the visualization table |
X offset column in the visualization table |
X label column in the visualization table |
X scale column in the visualization table |
Y values column in the visualization table |
Y offset column in the visualization table |
Y label column in the visualization table |
Y scale column in the visualization table |
Legend entry column in the visualization table |
Mandatory columns of visualization table |
Optional columns of visualization table |
Visualization table columns |
Visualization table columns that contain subplot specifications |
Visualization table columns that contain single plot specifications |
Plot type value in the visualization table for line plot |
Plot type value in the visualization table for bar plot |
Plot type value in the visualization table for scatter plot |
Supported plot types |
Supported xScales |
Supported yScales |
Plot type "data" value in the visualization table for replicates |
Plot type "data" value in the visualization table for provided noise values |
Supported settings for handling replicates |
PEtab version key in the YAML file |
Parameter file key in the YAML file |
Problems key in the YAML file |
Model files key in the YAML file |
Model location key in the YAML file |
Model language key in the YAML file |
Condition files key in the YAML file |
Measurement files key in the YAML file |
Observable files key in the YAML file |
Visualization files key in the YAML file |
Mapping files key in the YAML file |
Extensions key in the YAML file |
PEtab entity ID column in the mapping table |
Model entity ID column in the mapping table |
Required columns of the mapping table |
Simulated value column in the simulation table |
Residual value column in the residuals table |
separator for multiple parameter values (bounds, observableParameters, ...) |
- petab.v2.C.BAR_PLOT = 'BarPlot'
Plot type value in the visualization table for bar plot
- petab.v2.C.CONDITION_FILES = 'condition_files'
Condition files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.CONDITION_ID = 'conditionId'
Condition ID column in the condition table
- petab.v2.C.CONDITION_NAME = 'conditionName'
Condition name column in the condition table
- petab.v2.C.DATASET_ID = 'datasetId'
Dataset ID column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.ESTIMATE = 'estimate'
Estimate column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.EXTENSIONS = 'extensions'
Extensions key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.FORMAT_VERSION = 'format_version'
PEtab version key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.INITIALIZATION = 'initialization'
Initialization-type prior
- petab.v2.C.INITIALIZATION_PRIOR_PARAMETERS = 'initializationPriorParameters'
Initialization prior parameters column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.INITIALIZATION_PRIOR_TYPE = 'initializationPriorType'
Initialization prior type column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.LAPLACE = 'laplace'
Laplace distribution
- petab.v2.C.LEGEND_ENTRY = 'legendEntry'
Legend entry column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.LIN = 'lin'
Linear transformation
- petab.v2.C.LINE_PLOT = 'LinePlot'
Plot type value in the visualization table for line plot
- petab.v2.C.LOG = 'log'
Logarithmic transformation
- petab.v2.C.LOG10 = 'log10'
Logarithmic base 10 transformation
- petab.v2.C.LOG_LAPLACE = 'logLaplace'
Log-Laplace distribution
- petab.v2.C.LOG_NORMAL = 'logNormal'
Log-normal distribution
- petab.v2.C.LOWER_BOUND = 'lowerBound'
Lower bound column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.MAPPING_DF_REQUIRED_COLS = ['petabEntityId', 'modelEntityId']
Required columns of the mapping table
- petab.v2.C.MAPPING_FILES = 'mapping_files'
Mapping files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.MEASUREMENT = 'measurement'
Measurement value column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.MEASUREMENT_DF_COLS = ['observableId', 'preequilibrationConditionId', 'simulationConditionId', 'measurement', 'time', 'observableParameters', 'noiseParameters', 'datasetId', 'replicateId']
Measurement table columns
- petab.v2.C.MEASUREMENT_DF_OPTIONAL_COLS = ['preequilibrationConditionId', 'observableParameters', 'noiseParameters', 'datasetId', 'replicateId']
Optional columns of measurement table
- petab.v2.C.MEASUREMENT_DF_REQUIRED_COLS = ['observableId', 'simulationConditionId', 'measurement', 'time']
Mandatory columns of measurement table
- petab.v2.C.MEASUREMENT_FILES = 'measurement_files'
Measurement files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.MODEL_ENTITY_ID = 'modelEntityId'
Model entity ID column in the mapping table
- petab.v2.C.MODEL_FILES = 'model_files'
Model files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.MODEL_LANGUAGE = 'language'
Model language key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.MODEL_LOCATION = 'location'
Model location key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.NOISE_DISTRIBUTION = 'noiseDistribution'
Noise distribution column in the observables table
- petab.v2.C.NOISE_FORMULA = 'noiseFormula'
Noise formula column in the observables table
- petab.v2.C.NOISE_MODELS = ['normal', 'laplace']
Supported noise distributions
- petab.v2.C.NOISE_PARAMETERS = 'noiseParameters'
Noise parameters column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.NOISE_VALUE = 'noiseValue'
- petab.v2.C.NOMINAL_VALUE = 'nominalValue'
Nominal value column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.NORMAL = 'normal'
Normal distribution
- petab.v2.C.OBJECTIVE = 'objective'
Objective-type prior
- petab.v2.C.OBJECTIVE_PRIOR_PARAMETERS = 'objectivePriorParameters'
Objective prior parameters column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.OBJECTIVE_PRIOR_TYPE = 'objectivePriorType'
Objective prior type column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_DF_COLS = ['observableId', 'observableFormula', 'noiseFormula', 'observableName', 'observableTransformation', 'noiseDistribution']
Observables table columns
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_DF_OPTIONAL_COLS = ['observableName', 'observableTransformation', 'noiseDistribution']
Optional columns of observables table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_DF_REQUIRED_COLS = ['observableId', 'observableFormula', 'noiseFormula']
Mandatory columns of observables table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_FILES = 'observable_files'
Observable files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_FORMULA = 'observableFormula'
Observable formula column in the observables table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_ID = 'observableId'
Observable ID column in the observable and measurement tables
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_NAME = 'observableName'
Observable name column in the observables table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_PARAMETERS = 'observableParameters'
Observable parameters column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_TRANSFORMATION = 'observableTransformation'
Observable transformation column in the observables table
- petab.v2.C.OBSERVABLE_TRANSFORMATIONS = ['lin', 'log', 'log10']
Supported observable transformations
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_DF_COLS = ['parameterId', 'parameterName', 'parameterScale', 'lowerBound', 'upperBound', 'estimate', 'nominalValue', 'initializationPriorType', 'initializationPriorParameters', 'objectivePriorType', 'objectivePriorParameters']
Parameter table columns
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_DF_OPTIONAL_COLS = ['parameterName', 'nominalValue', 'initializationPriorType', 'initializationPriorParameters', 'objectivePriorType', 'objectivePriorParameters']
Optional columns of parameter table
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_DF_REQUIRED_COLS = ['parameterId', 'parameterScale', 'lowerBound', 'upperBound', 'estimate']
Mandatory columns of parameter table
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_FILE = 'parameter_file'
Parameter file key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_ID = 'parameterId'
Parameter ID column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_NAME = 'parameterName'
Parameter name column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_SCALE = 'parameterScale'
Parameter scale column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_SCALE_LAPLACE = 'parameterScaleLaplace'
Laplace distribution on the parameter scale
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_SCALE_NORMAL = 'parameterScaleNormal'
Normal distribution on the parameter scale
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_SCALE_UNIFORM = 'parameterScaleUniform'
Uniform distribution on the parameter scale
- petab.v2.C.PARAMETER_SEPARATOR = ';'
separator for multiple parameter values (bounds, observableParameters, …)
- petab.v2.C.PETAB_ENTITY_ID = 'petabEntityId'
PEtab entity ID column in the mapping table
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_ID = 'plotId'
Plot ID column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_NAME = 'plotName'
Plot name column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_TYPES_DATA = ['MeanAndSD', 'MeanAndSEM', 'replicate', 'provided']
Supported settings for handling replicates
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_TYPES_SIMULATION = ['LinePlot', 'BarPlot', 'ScatterPlot']
Supported plot types
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_TYPE_DATA = 'plotTypeData'
Value for plot type ‘data’ in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION = 'plotTypeSimulation'
Value for plot type ‘simulation’ in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.PREEQUILIBRATION_CONDITION_ID = 'preequilibrationConditionId'
Preequilibration condition ID column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.PRIOR_TYPES = ['uniform', 'normal', 'laplace', 'logNormal', 'logLaplace', 'parameterScaleUniform', 'parameterScaleNormal', 'parameterScaleLaplace']
Supported prior types
- petab.v2.C.PROBLEMS = 'problems'
Problems key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.PROVIDED = 'provided'
Plot type “data” value in the visualization table for provided noise values
- petab.v2.C.REPLICATE = 'replicate'
Plot type “data” value in the visualization table for replicates
- petab.v2.C.REPLICATE_ID = 'replicateId'
Replicate ID column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.RESIDUAL = 'residual'
Residual value column in the residuals table
- petab.v2.C.SCATTER_PLOT = 'ScatterPlot'
Plot type value in the visualization table for scatter plot
- petab.v2.C.SIMULATION = 'simulation'
Simulated value column in the simulation table
- petab.v2.C.SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID = 'simulationConditionId'
Simulation condition ID column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.TIME = 'time'
Time column in the measurement table
- petab.v2.C.TIME_STEADY_STATE = inf
Time value that indicates steady-state measurements
- petab.v2.C.UNIFORM = 'uniform'
Uniform distribution
- petab.v2.C.UPPER_BOUND = 'upperBound'
Upper bound column in the parameter table
- petab.v2.C.VISUALIZATION_DF_COLS = ['plotId', 'plotName', 'plotTypeSimulation', 'plotTypeData', 'xValues', 'xOffset', 'xLabel', 'xScale', 'yValues', 'yOffset', 'yLabel', 'yScale', 'legendEntry', 'datasetId']
Visualization table columns
- petab.v2.C.VISUALIZATION_DF_OPTIONAL_COLS = ['plotName', 'plotTypeSimulation', 'plotTypeData', 'xValues', 'xOffset', 'xLabel', 'xScale', 'yValues', 'yOffset', 'yLabel', 'yScale', 'legendEntry', 'datasetId']
Optional columns of visualization table
Mandatory columns of visualization table
- petab.v2.C.VISUALIZATION_DF_SINGLE_PLOT_LEVEL_COLS = ['xValues', 'xOffset', 'yValues', 'yOffset', 'legendEntry', 'datasetId']
Visualization table columns that contain single plot specifications
- petab.v2.C.VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS = ['plotId', 'plotName', 'plotTypeSimulation', 'plotTypeData', 'xLabel', 'xScale', 'yLabel', 'yScale']
Visualization table columns that contain subplot specifications
- petab.v2.C.VISUALIZATION_FILES = 'visualization_files'
Visualization files key in the YAML file
- petab.v2.C.X_LABEL = 'xLabel'
X label column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.X_OFFSET = 'xOffset'
X offset column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.X_SCALE = 'xScale'
X scale column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.X_SCALES = ['lin', 'log', 'log10']
Supported xScales
- petab.v2.C.X_VALUES = 'xValues'
X values column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.Y_LABEL = 'yLabel'
Y label column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.Y_OFFSET = 'yOffset'
Y offset column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.Y_SCALE = 'yScale'
Y scale column in the visualization table
- petab.v2.C.Y_SCALES = ['lin', 'log', 'log10']
Supported yScales
- petab.v2.C.Y_VALUES = 'yValues'
Y values column in the visualization table