
The PEtab 1.0 subpackage.

Contains all functionality related to handling PEtab 1.0 problems.

class petab.v1.CompositeProblem(parameter_df: DataFrame | None = None, problems: list[Problem] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a PEtab problem consisting of multiple models


List of petab.Problem s


PEtab parameter DataFrame

static from_yaml(yaml_config: dict | str) CompositeProblem[source]

Create from YAML file

Factory method to create a CompositeProblem instance from a PEtab YAML config file


yaml_config – PEtab configuration as dictionary or YAML file name


alias of dict[str, str | Number]


alias of tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]


alias of tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str | Number]]

class petab.v1.Problem(sbml_model: libsbml.Model = None, sbml_reader: libsbml.SBMLReader = None, sbml_document: libsbml.SBMLDocument = None, model: Model = None, model_id: str = None, condition_df: pd.DataFrame = None, measurement_df: pd.DataFrame = None, parameter_df: pd.DataFrame = None, visualization_df: pd.DataFrame = None, observable_df: pd.DataFrame = None, mapping_df: pd.DataFrame = None, extensions_config: dict = None)[source]

Bases: object

PEtab parameter estimation problem as defined by

  • model

  • condition table

  • measurement table

  • parameter table

  • observables table

  • mapping table

Optionally it may contain visualization tables.

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter table

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • visualization_df – PEtab visualization table

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table

  • model – The underlying model

  • sbml_reader – Stored to keep object alive (deprecated).

  • sbml_document – Stored to keep object alive (deprecated).

  • sbml_model – PEtab SBML model (deprecated)

  • extensions_config – Information on the extensions used


Create a new PEtab parameter table

See create_parameter_df().

static from_combine(filename: Path | str) Problem[source]

Read PEtab COMBINE archive (

See also petab.create_combine_archive().


filename – Path to the PEtab-COMBINE archive


A petab.Problem instance.

static from_files(sbml_file: str | Path | None = None, condition_file: str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | None = None, measurement_file: str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | None = None, parameter_file: str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | None = None, visualization_files: str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | None = None, observable_files: str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | None = None, model_id: str | None = None, extensions_config: dict | None = None) Problem[source]

Factory method to load model and tables from files.

  • sbml_file – PEtab SBML model

  • condition_file – PEtab condition table

  • measurement_file – PEtab measurement table

  • parameter_file – PEtab parameter table

  • visualization_files – PEtab visualization tables

  • observable_files – PEtab observables tables

  • model_id – PEtab ID of the model

  • extensions_config – Information on the extensions used

static from_yaml(yaml_config: dict | Path | str) Problem[source]

Factory method to load model and tables as specified by YAML file.


yaml_config – PEtab configuration as dictionary or YAML file name

get_lb(free: bool = True, fixed: bool = True, scaled: bool = False)[source]

Generic function to get lower parameter bounds.

  • free – Whether to return free parameters, i.e. parameters to estimate.

  • fixed – Whether to return fixed parameters, i.e. parameters not to estimate.

  • scaled – Whether to scale the values according to the parameter scale, or return them on linear scale.

Return type:

The lower parameter bounds.

get_model_parameters() list[str] | dict[str, float][source]

See petab.sbml.get_model_parameters()

get_observable_ids() list[str][source]

Returns dictionary of observable ids.

get_optimization_parameter_scales() dict[str, str][source]

Return list of optimization parameter scaling strings.

See petab.parameters.get_optimization_parameters().

get_optimization_parameters() list[str][source]

Return list of optimization parameter IDs.

See petab.parameters.get_optimization_parameters().


See petab.parameter_mapping.get_optimization_to_simulation_parameter_mapping(), to which all keyword arguments are forwarded.


See petab.get_simulation_conditions

get_ub(free: bool = True, fixed: bool = True, scaled: bool = False)[source]

Generic function to get upper parameter bounds.

  • free – Whether to return free parameters, i.e. parameters to estimate.

  • fixed – Whether to return fixed parameters, i.e. parameters not to estimate.

  • scaled – Whether to scale the values according to the parameter scale, or return them on linear scale.

Return type:

The upper parameter bounds.

get_x_ids(free: bool = True, fixed: bool = True)[source]

Generic function to get parameter ids.

  • free – Whether to return free parameters, i.e. parameters to estimate.

  • fixed – Whether to return fixed parameters, i.e. parameters not to estimate.

Return type:

The parameter IDs.

get_x_nominal(free: bool = True, fixed: bool = True, scaled: bool = False)[source]

Generic function to get parameter nominal values.

  • free – Whether to return free parameters, i.e. parameters to estimate.

  • fixed – Whether to return fixed parameters, i.e. parameters not to estimate.

  • scaled – Whether to scale the values according to the parameter scale, or return them on linear scale.

Return type:

The parameter nominal values.

property lb: list

Parameter table lower bounds.

property lb_scaled: list

Parameter table lower bounds with applied parameter scaling

property n_estimated: int

The number of estimated parameters.

property n_measurements: int

Number of measurements.

property n_priors: int

Number of priors.

sample_parameter_startpoints(n_starts: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Create 2D array with starting points for optimization

See petab.sample_parameter_startpoints().

sample_parameter_startpoints_dict(n_starts: int = 100) list[dict[str, float]][source]

Create dictionaries with starting points for optimization

See also petab.sample_parameter_startpoints().


A list of dictionaries with parameter IDs mapping to samples parameter values.

scale_parameters(x_dict: dict[str, float]) dict[str, float][source]

Scale parameter values.


x_dict – Keys are parameter IDs in the PEtab problem, values are unscaled parameter values.

Return type:

The scaled parameter values.

to_files(sbml_file: None | str | Path = None, condition_file: None | str | Path = None, measurement_file: None | str | Path = None, parameter_file: None | str | Path = None, visualization_file: None | str | Path = None, observable_file: None | str | Path = None, yaml_file: None | str | Path = None, prefix_path: None | str | Path = None, relative_paths: bool = True, model_file: None | str | Path = None, mapping_file: None | str | Path = None) None[source]

Write PEtab tables to files for this problem

Writes PEtab files for those entities for which a destination was passed.

NOTE: If this instance was created from multiple measurement or visualization tables, they will be merged and written to a single file.

  • sbml_file – SBML model destination (deprecated)

  • model_file – Model destination

  • condition_file – Condition table destination

  • measurement_file – Measurement table destination

  • parameter_file – Parameter table destination

  • visualization_file – Visualization table destination

  • observable_file – Observables table destination

  • mapping_file – Mapping table destination

  • yaml_file – YAML file destination

  • prefix_path – Specify a prefix to all paths, to avoid specifying the prefix for all paths individually. NB: the prefix is added to paths before relative_paths is handled.

  • relative_paths – whether all paths in the YAML file should be relative to the location of the YAML file. If False, then paths are left unchanged.


ValueError – If a destination was provided for a non-existing entity.

to_files_generic(prefix_path: str | Path) str[source]

Save a PEtab problem to generic file names.

The PEtab problem YAML file is always created. PEtab data files are only created if the PEtab problem contains corresponding data (e.g. a PEtab visualization TSV file is only created if the PEtab problem has one).


prefix_path – Specify a prefix to all paths, to avoid specifying the prefix for all paths individually. NB: the prefix is added to paths before relative_paths is handled downstream in petab.yaml.create_problem_yaml().


The path to the PEtab problem YAML file.

property ub: list

Parameter table upper bounds

property ub_scaled: list

Parameter table upper bounds with applied parameter scaling

unscale_parameters(x_dict: dict[str, float]) dict[str, float][source]

Unscale parameter values.


x_dict – Keys are parameter IDs in the PEtab problem, values are scaled parameter values.

Return type:

The unscaled parameter values.

property x_fixed_ids: list[str]

Parameter table parameter IDs, for fixed parameters.

property x_fixed_indices: list[int]

Parameter table non-estimated parameter indices.

property x_free_ids: list[str]

Parameter table parameter IDs, for free parameters.

property x_free_indices: list[int]

Parameter table estimated parameter indices.

property x_ids: list[str]

Parameter table parameter IDs

property x_nominal: list

Parameter table nominal values

property x_nominal_fixed: list

Parameter table nominal values, for fixed parameters.

property x_nominal_fixed_scaled: list

Parameter table nominal values with applied parameter scaling, for fixed parameters.

property x_nominal_free: list

Parameter table nominal values, for free parameters.

property x_nominal_free_scaled: list

Parameter table nominal values with applied parameter scaling, for free parameters.

property x_nominal_scaled: list

Parameter table nominal values with applied parameter scaling


alias of dict[str, str]


alias of tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]

class petab.v1.Simulator(petab_problem: Problem, working_dir: None | str | Path = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class that specific simulators should inherit.

Specific simulators should minimally implement the petab.simulate.Simulator.simulate_without_noise() method. Example (AMICI):


The formulae that will be used to calculate the scale of noise distributions.


A PEtab problem, which will be simulated.


A NumPy random generator, used to sample from noise distributions.


Whether working_dir is a temporary directory, which can be deleted without significant consequence.


All simulator-specific output files will be saved here. This directory and its contents may be modified and deleted, and should be considered ephemeral.

add_noise(simulation_df: DataFrame, noise_scaling_factor: float = 1, **kwargs) DataFrame[source]

Add noise to simulated data.

  • simulation_df – A PEtab measurements table that contains simulated data.

  • noise_scaling_factor – A multiplier of the scale of the noise distribution.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to sample_noise().


Simulated data with noise, as a PEtab measurements table.

remove_working_dir(force: bool = False, **kwargs) None[source]

Remove the simulator working directory, and all files within.

See the petab.simulate.Simulator.__init__() method arguments.

  • force – If True, the working directory is removed regardless of whether it is a temporary directory.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to shutil.rmtree().

simulate(noise: bool = False, noise_scaling_factor: float = 1, as_measurement: bool = False, **kwargs) DataFrame[source]

Simulate a PEtab problem, optionally with noise.

  • noise – If True, noise is added to simulated data.

  • noise_scaling_factor – A multiplier of the scale of the noise distribution.

  • as_measurement – Whether the data column is named petab.C.MEASUREMENT (True) or petab.C.SIMULATION (False).

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to petab.simulate.Simulator.simulate_without_noise().


Simulated data, as a PEtab measurements table.

abstract simulate_without_noise() DataFrame[source]

Simulate the PEtab problem.

This is an abstract method that should be implemented with a simulation package. Examples of this are referenced in the class docstring.


Simulated data, as a PEtab measurements table, which should be equivalent to replacing all values in the petab.C.MEASUREMENT column of the measurements table (of the PEtab problem supplied to the petab.simulate.Simulator.__init__() method), with simulated values.

petab.v1.assert_all_parameters_present_in_parameter_df(parameter_df: DataFrame, model: Model, observable_df: DataFrame, measurement_df: DataFrame, condition_df: DataFrame, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) None[source]

Ensure all required parameters are contained in the parameter table with no additional ones

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame

  • model – model

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table for additional checks


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_measured_observables_defined(measurement_df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all observables in the measurement table have been defined in the observable table

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_measurement_conditions_present_in_condition_table(measurement_df: DataFrame, condition_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Ensure that all entries from measurement_df.simulationConditionId and measurement_df.preequilibrationConditionId are present in condition_df.index.

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_measurements_not_null(measurement_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check whether all measurements are not null.


measurement_df – PEtab measurement table.


AssertionError – Some measurement value(s) are null (missing).

petab.v1.assert_measurements_numeric(measurement_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check whether all measurements are numeric.

Note that null (missing) measurements are ignored.


measurement_df – PEtab measurement table.


AssertionError – Some measurement value(s) are not numeric.

petab.v1.assert_model_parameters_in_condition_or_parameter_table(model: Model, condition_df: DataFrame, parameter_df: DataFrame, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None, measurement_df: DataFrame | None = None) None[source]

Model parameters that are rule targets must not be present in the parameter table. Other parameters must only be present in either in parameter table or condition table columns. Check that.

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame

  • model – PEtab model

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_no_leading_trailing_whitespace(names_list: Iterable[str], name: str) None[source]

Check that there is no trailing whitespace in elements of Iterable

  • names_list – strings to check for whitespace

  • name – name of names_list for error messages


AssertionError – if there is trailing whitespace

petab.v1.assert_noise_distributions_valid(observable_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Ensure that noise distributions and transformations for observables are valid.


observable_df – PEtab observable table


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_overrides_match_parameter_count(measurement_df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Ensure that number of parameters in the observable definition matches the number of overrides in measurement_df

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

petab.v1.assert_parameter_bounds_are_numeric(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all entries in the lowerBound and upperBound columns of the parameter table are numeric.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_parameter_estimate_is_boolean(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all entries in the estimate column of the parameter table are 0 or 1.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_parameter_id_is_string(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all entries in the parameterId column of the parameter table are string and not empty.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_parameter_prior_parameters_are_valid(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check that the prior parameters are valid.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter table


AssertionError – in case of invalid prior parameters

petab.v1.assert_parameter_prior_type_is_valid(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check that valid prior types have been selected


parameter_df – PEtab parameter table


AssertionError – in case of invalid prior

petab.v1.assert_parameter_scale_is_valid(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all entries in the parameterScale column of the parameter table are ‘lin’ for linear, ‘log’ for natural logarithm or ‘log10’ for base 10 logarithm.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_single_condition_and_sbml_file(problem_config: dict) None[source]

Check that there is only a single condition file and a single SBML file specified.


problem_config – Dictionary as defined in the YAML schema inside the problems list.


NotImplementedError – If multiple condition or SBML files specified.

petab.v1.assert_unique_observable_ids(observable_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if the observableId column of the observable table is unique.


observable_df – PEtab observable DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.assert_unique_parameter_ids(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if the parameterId column of the parameter table is unique.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.calculate_chi2(measurement_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, simulation_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, observable_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, parameter_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, normalize: bool = True, scale: bool = True) float[source]

Calculate the chi2 value.

  • measurement_dfs – The problem measurement tables.

  • simulation_dfs – Simulation tables corresponding to the measurement tables.

  • observable_dfs – The problem observable tables.

  • parameter_dfs – The problem parameter tables.

  • normalize – Whether to normalize residuals by the noise standard deviation terms.

  • scale – Whether to calculate residuals of scaled values.


The aggregated chi2 value.

petab.v1.calculate_chi2_for_table_from_residuals(residual_df: DataFrame) float[source]

Compute chi2 value for a single residual table.

petab.v1.calculate_llh(measurement_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, simulation_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, observable_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, parameter_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame) float[source]

Calculate total log likelihood.

  • measurement_dfs – The problem measurement tables.

  • simulation_dfs – Simulation tables corresponding to the measurement tables.

  • observable_dfs – The problem observable tables.

  • parameter_dfs – The problem parameter tables.


The log-likelihood.

petab.v1.calculate_llh_for_table(measurement_df: DataFrame, simulation_df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame, parameter_df: DataFrame) float[source]

Calculate log-likelihood for one set of tables. For the arguments, see calculate_llh.

petab.v1.calculate_residuals(measurement_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, simulation_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, observable_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, parameter_dfs: list[DataFrame] | DataFrame, normalize: bool = True, scale: bool = True) list[DataFrame][source]

Calculate residuals.

  • measurement_dfs – The problem measurement tables.

  • simulation_dfs – Simulation tables corresponding to the measurement tables.

  • observable_dfs – The problem observable tables.

  • parameter_dfs – The problem parameter tables.

  • normalize – Whether to normalize residuals by the noise standard deviation terms.

  • scale – Whether to calculate residuals of scaled values.


List of DataFrames in the same structure as measurement_dfs with a field residual instead of measurement.

petab.v1.calculate_residuals_for_table(measurement_df: DataFrame, simulation_df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame, parameter_df: DataFrame, normalize: bool = True, scale: bool = True) DataFrame[source]

Calculate residuals for a single measurement table. For the arguments, see calculate_residuals.

petab.v1.calculate_single_llh(measurement: float, simulation: float, scale: str, noise_distribution: str, noise_value: float) float[source]

Calculate a single log likelihood.

  • measurement – The measurement value.

  • simulation – The simulated value.

  • scale – The scale on which the noise model is to be applied.

  • noise_distribution – The noise distribution.

  • noise_value – The considered noise models possess a single noise parameter, e.g. the normal standard deviation.


The computed likelihood for the given values.

petab.v1.check_condition_df(df: DataFrame, model: Model | None = None, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) None[source]

Run sanity checks on PEtab condition table

  • df – PEtab condition DataFrame

  • model – Model for additional checking of parameter IDs

  • observable_df – PEtab observables DataFrame

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.check_ids(ids: Iterable[str], kind: str = '') None[source]

Check IDs are valid

  • ids – Iterable of IDs to check

  • kind – Kind of IDs, for more informative error message


ValueError – in case of invalid IDs

petab.v1.check_mapping_df(df: DataFrame, model: Model | None = None) None[source]

Run sanity checks on PEtab mapping table

  • df – PEtab mapping DataFrame

  • model – Model for additional checking of parameter IDs


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.check_measurement_df(df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None) None[source]

Run sanity checks on PEtab measurement table

  • df – PEtab measurement DataFrame

  • observable_df – PEtab observable DataFrame for checking if measurements are compatible with observable transformations.


AssertionError, ValueError – in case of problems

petab.v1.check_observable_df(observable_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check validity of observable table


observable_df – PEtab observable DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.check_parameter_bounds(parameter_df: DataFrame) None[source]

Check if all entries in the lowerBound are smaller than upperBound column in the parameter table and that bounds are positive for parameterScale log|log10.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.check_parameter_df(df: DataFrame, model: Model | None = None, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None, measurement_df: DataFrame | None = None, condition_df: DataFrame | None = None, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) None[source]

Run sanity checks on PEtab parameter table

  • df – PEtab parameter DataFrame

  • model – Model for additional checking of parameter IDs

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table for additional checks

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table for additional checks

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table for additional checks

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table for additional checks


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.concat_tables(tables: str | Path | DataFrame | Iterable[DataFrame | str | Path], file_parser: Callable | None = None) DataFrame[source]

Concatenate DataFrames provided as DataFrames or filenames, and a parser

  • tables – Iterable of tables to join, as DataFrame or filename.

  • file_parser – Function used to read the table in case filenames are provided, accepting a filename as only argument.


The concatenated DataFrames

petab.v1.condition_table_is_parameter_free(condition_df: DataFrame) bool[source]

Check if all entries in the condition table are numeric (no parameter IDs)


condition_df – PEtab condition table


True if there are no parameter overrides in the condition table, False otherwise.

petab.v1.create_combine_archive(yaml_file: str | Path, filename: str | Path, family_name: str | None = None, given_name: str | None = None, email: str | None = None, organization: str | None = None) None[source]

Create COMBINE archive ( based on PEtab YAML file.

  • yaml_file – Path to PEtab YAML file

  • filename – Destination file name

  • family_name – Family name of archive creator

  • given_name – Given name of archive creator

  • email – E-mail address of archive creator

  • organization – Organization of archive creator

petab.v1.create_condition_df(parameter_ids: Iterable[str], condition_ids: Iterable[str] | None = None) DataFrame[source]

Create empty condition DataFrame

  • parameter_ids – the columns

  • condition_ids – the rows


A pandas.DataFrame with empty given rows and columns and all nan values

petab.v1.create_measurement_df() DataFrame[source]

Create empty measurement dataframe


Created DataFrame

petab.v1.create_observable_df() DataFrame[source]

Create empty observable dataframe


Created DataFrame

petab.v1.create_parameter_df(sbml_model: Model | None = None, condition_df: DataFrame | None = None, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None, measurement_df: DataFrame | None = None, model: Model | None = None, include_optional: bool = False, parameter_scale: str = 'log10', lower_bound: Iterable | None = None, upper_bound: Iterable | None = None, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) DataFrame[source]

Create a new PEtab parameter table

All table entries can be provided as string or list-like with length matching the number of parameters

  • sbml_model – SBML Model (deprecated, mutually exclusive with model)

  • model – PEtab model (mutually exclusive with sbml_model)

  • condition_df – PEtab condition DataFrame

  • observable_df – PEtab observable DataFrame

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement DataFrame

  • include_optional – By default this only returns parameters that are required to be present in the parameter table. If set to True, this returns all parameters that are allowed to be present in the parameter table (i.e. also including parameters specified in the model).

  • parameter_scale – parameter scaling

  • lower_bound – lower bound for parameter value

  • upper_bound – upper bound for parameter value

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping DataFrame


The created parameter DataFrame

petab.v1.create_problem_yaml(sbml_files: str | Path | list[str | Path], condition_files: str | Path | list[str | Path], measurement_files: str | Path | list[str | Path], parameter_file: str | Path, observable_files: str | Path | list[str | Path], yaml_file: str | Path, visualization_files: str | Path | list[str | Path] | None = None, relative_paths: bool = True, mapping_files: str | Path | list[str | Path] | None = None) None[source]

Create and write default YAML file for a single PEtab problem

  • sbml_files – Path of SBML model file or list of such

  • condition_files – Path of condition file or list of such

  • measurement_files – Path of measurement file or list of such

  • parameter_file – Path of parameter file

  • observable_files – Path of observable file or list of such

  • yaml_file – Path to which YAML file should be written

  • visualization_files – Optional Path to visualization file or list of such

  • relative_paths – whether all paths in the YAML file should be relative to the location of the YAML file. If False, then paths are left unchanged.

  • mapping_files – Path of mapping file

petab.v1.evaluate_noise_formula(measurement: Series, noise_formulas: dict[str, Expr], parameter_df: DataFrame, simulation: Number) float[source]

Fill in parameters for measurement and evaluate noise_formula.

  • measurement – A measurement table row.

  • noise_formulas – The noise formulas as computed by get_symbolic_noise_formulas.

  • parameter_df – The parameter table.

  • simulation – The simulation corresponding to the measurement, scaled.


The noise value.

petab.v1.flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides(petab_problem: petab.problem.Problem) None[source]

Flatten timepoint-specific output parameter overrides.

If the PEtab problem definition has timepoint-specific observableParameters or noiseParameters for the same observable, replace those by replicating the respective observable.

This is a helper function for some tools which may not support such timepoint-specific mappings. The observable table and measurement table are modified in place.


petab_problem – PEtab problem to work on. Modified in place.

petab.v1.get_condition_df(condition_file: str | DataFrame | Path | None) DataFrame[source]

Read the provided condition file into a pandas.Dataframe

Conditions are rows, parameters are columns, conditionId is index.


condition_file – File name of PEtab condition file or pandas.Dataframe

petab.v1.get_formula_placeholders(formula_string: str, observable_id: str, override_type: Literal['observable', 'noise']) list[str][source]

Get placeholder variables in noise or observable definition for the given observable ID.

  • formula_string – observable formula

  • observable_id – ID of current observable

  • override_type'observable' or 'noise', depending on whether formula is for observable or for noise model


List of placeholder parameter IDs in the order expected in the observableParameter column of the measurement table.

petab.v1.get_mapping_df(mapping_file: None | str | Path | DataFrame) DataFrame[source]

Read the provided mapping file into a pandas.Dataframe.


mapping_file – Name of file to read from or pandas.Dataframe


Mapping DataFrame

petab.v1.get_measurement_df(measurement_file: None | str | Path | DataFrame) DataFrame[source]

Read the provided measurement file into a pandas.Dataframe.


measurement_file – Name of file to read from or pandas.Dataframe


Measurement DataFrame

petab.v1.get_measurement_parameter_ids(measurement_df: DataFrame) list[str][source]

Return list of ID of parameters which occur in measurement table as observable or noise parameter overrides.


measurement_df – PEtab measurement DataFrame


List of parameter IDs

petab.v1.get_model_for_condition(petab_problem: Problem, sim_condition_id: str | None = None, preeq_condition_id: str | None = None) tuple[SBMLDocument, Model][source]

Create an SBML model for the given condition.

Creates a copy of the model and updates parameters according to the PEtab files. Estimated parameters are set to their nominalValue. Observables defined in the observables table are not added to the model.

  • petab_problem – PEtab problem

  • sim_condition_id – Simulation conditionId for which to generate a model

  • preeq_condition_id – Preequilibration conditionId of the settings for which to generate a model. This is only used to determine the relevant output parameter overrides. Preequilibration is not encoded in the resulting model.


The generated SBML document, and SBML model

petab.v1.get_model_parameters(sbml_model: Model, with_values=False) list[str] | dict[str, float][source]

Return SBML model parameters which are not Rule targets

  • sbml_model – SBML model

  • with_values – If False, returns list of SBML model parameter IDs which are not Rule targets. If True, returns a dictionary with those parameter IDs as keys and parameter values from the SBML model as values.

petab.v1.get_notnull_columns(df: DataFrame, candidates: Iterable)[source]

Return list of df-columns in candidates which are not all null/nan.

The output can e.g. be used as input for pandas.DataFrame.groupby.

  • df – Dataframe

  • candidates – Columns of df to consider

petab.v1.get_observable_df(observable_file: str | DataFrame | Path | None) DataFrame | None[source]

Read the provided observable file into a pandas.Dataframe.


observable_file – Name of the file to read from or pandas.Dataframe.


Observable DataFrame

petab.v1.get_optimization_parameter_scaling(parameter_df: DataFrame) dict[str, str][source]

Get Dictionary with optimization parameter IDs mapped to parameter scaling strings.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


Dictionary with optimization parameter IDs mapped to parameter scaling strings.

petab.v1.get_optimization_parameters(parameter_df: DataFrame) list[str][source]

Get list of optimization parameter IDs from parameter table.


parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame


List of IDs of parameters selected for optimization.

petab.v1.get_optimization_to_simulation_parameter_mapping(condition_df: DataFrame, measurement_df: DataFrame, parameter_df: DataFrame | None = None, observable_df: DataFrame | None = None, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None, sbml_model: Model | None = None, simulation_conditions: DataFrame | None = None, warn_unmapped: bool | None = True, scaled_parameters: bool = False, fill_fixed_parameters: bool = True, allow_timepoint_specific_numeric_noise_parameters: bool = False, model: Model | None = None) list[tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]][source]

Create list of mapping dicts from PEtab-problem to model parameters.

Mapping can be performed in parallel. The number of threads is controlled by the environment variable with the name of petab.ENV_NUM_THREADS.

  • condition_df – The dataframes in the PEtab format.

  • measurement_df – The dataframes in the PEtab format.

  • parameter_df – The dataframes in the PEtab format.

  • observable_df – The dataframes in the PEtab format.

  • sbml_model – The SBML model (deprecated)

  • model – The model.

  • simulation_conditions – Table of simulation conditions as created by petab.get_simulation_conditions.

  • warn_unmapped – If True, log warning regarding unmapped parameters

  • scaled_parameters – Whether parameter values should be scaled.

  • fill_fixed_parameters – Whether to fill in nominal values for fixed parameters (estimate=0 in parameters table).

  • allow_timepoint_specific_numeric_noise_parameters – Mapping of timepoint-specific parameters overrides is generally not supported. If this option is set to True, this function will not fail in case of timepoint-specific fixed noise parameters, if the noise formula consists only of one single parameter. It is expected that the respective mapping is performed elsewhere. The value mapped to the respective parameter here is undefined.


Parameter value and parameter scale mapping for all conditions.

The length of the returned array is the number of unique combinations of simulationConditionId s and preequilibrationConditionId s from the measurement table. Each entry is a tuple of four dicts of length equal to the number of model parameters. The first two dicts map simulation parameter IDs to optimization parameter IDs or values (where values are fixed) for preequilibration and simulation condition, respectively. The last two dicts map simulation parameter IDs to the parameter scale of the respective parameter, again for preequilibration and simulation condition. If no preequilibration condition is defined, the respective dicts will be empty. NaN is used where no mapping exists.

petab.v1.get_output_parameters(observable_df: DataFrame, model: Model, observables: bool = True, noise: bool = True, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) list[str][source]

Get output parameters

Returns IDs of parameters used in observable and noise formulas that are not defined in the model.

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • model – The underlying model

  • observables – Include parameters from observableFormulas

  • noise – Include parameters from noiseFormulas

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table


List of output parameter IDs

petab.v1.get_parameter_df(parameter_file: str | Path | DataFrame | Iterable[str | Path | DataFrame] | None) DataFrame | None[source]

Read the provided parameter file into a pandas.Dataframe.

  • parameter_file – Name of the file to read from or pandas.Dataframe,

  • Iterable. (or an)


Parameter DataFrame, or None if None was passed.

petab.v1.get_parameter_mapping_for_condition(condition_id: str, is_preeq: bool, cur_measurement_df: DataFrame | None = None, sbml_model: Model | None = None, condition_df: DataFrame | None = None, parameter_df: DataFrame | None = None, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None, simulation_parameters: dict[str, str] | None = None, warn_unmapped: bool = True, scaled_parameters: bool = False, fill_fixed_parameters: bool = True, allow_timepoint_specific_numeric_noise_parameters: bool = False, model: Model | None = None) tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str]][source]

Create dictionary of parameter value and parameter scale mappings from PEtab-problem to SBML parameters for the given condition.

  • condition_id – Condition ID for which to perform mapping

  • is_preeq – If True, output parameters will not be mapped

  • cur_measurement_df – Measurement sub-table for current condition, can be None if not relevant for parameter mapping

  • condition_df – PEtab condition DataFrame

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping DataFrame

  • sbml_model – The SBML model (deprecated)

  • model – The model.

  • simulation_parameters – Model simulation parameter IDs mapped to parameter values (output of petab.sbml.get_model_parameters(.., with_values=True)). Optional, saves time if precomputed.

  • warn_unmapped – If True, log warning regarding unmapped parameters

  • scaled_parameters – Whether parameter values should be scaled.

  • fill_fixed_parameters – Whether to fill in nominal values for fixed parameters (estimate=0 in parameters table).

  • allow_timepoint_specific_numeric_noise_parameters – Mapping of timepoint-specific parameters overrides is generally not supported. If this option is set to True, this function will not fail in case of timepoint-specific fixed noise parameters, if the noise formula consists only of one single parameter. It is expected that the respective mapping is performed elsewhere. The value mapped to the respective parameter here is undefined.


Tuple of two dictionaries. First dictionary mapping model parameter IDs to mapped parameters IDs to be estimated or to filled-in values in case of non-estimated parameters. Second dictionary mapping model parameter IDs to their scale. NaN is used where no mapping exists.

petab.v1.get_parametric_overrides(condition_df: DataFrame) list[str][source]

Get parametric overrides from condition table


condition_df – PEtab condition table


List of parameter IDs that are mapped in a condition-specific way

petab.v1.get_path_prefix(yaml_path: Path | str) str[source]

Get the path prefix from a PEtab problem yaml file.

Get the path prefix to retrieve any files with relative paths referenced in the given PEtab problem yaml file.


yaml_path – PEtab problem YAML file path (local or URL).


The path prefix for retrieving any referenced files with relative paths.

petab.v1.get_placeholders(observable_df: DataFrame, observables: bool = True, noise: bool = True) list[str][source]

Get all placeholder parameters from observable table observableFormulas and noiseFormulas

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • observables – Include parameters from observableFormulas

  • noise – Include parameters from noiseFormulas


List of placeholder parameters from observable table observableFormulas and noiseFormulas.

petab.v1.get_priors_from_df(parameter_df: DataFrame, mode: Literal['initialization', 'objective'], parameter_ids: Sequence[str] | None = None) list[tuple][source]

Create list with information about the parameter priors

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter table

  • mode'initialization' or 'objective'

  • parameter_ids – A sequence of parameter IDs for which to sample starting points. For subsetting or reordering the parameters. Defaults to all estimated parameters.


List with prior information.

petab.v1.get_rows_for_condition(measurement_df: DataFrame, condition: Series | DataFrame | dict) DataFrame[source]

Extract rows in measurement_df for condition according to ‘preequilibrationConditionId’ and ‘simulationConditionId’ in condition.

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement DataFrame

  • condition – DataFrame with single row (or Series) and columns ‘preequilibrationConditionId’ and ‘simulationConditionId’. Or dictionary with those keys.


The subselection of rows in measurement_df for the condition condition.

petab.v1.get_sbml_model(filepath_or_buffer) tuple[SBMLReader, SBMLDocument, Model][source]

Get an SBML model from file or URL or file handle


filepath_or_buffer – File or URL or file handle to read the model from


The SBML document, model and reader

petab.v1.get_simulation_conditions(measurement_df: DataFrame) DataFrame[source]

Create a table of separate simulation conditions. A simulation condition is a specific combination of simulationConditionId and preequilibrationConditionId.


measurement_df – PEtab measurement table


Dataframe with columns ‘simulationConditionId’ and ‘preequilibrationConditionId’. All-null columns will be omitted. Missing ‘preequilibrationConditionId’s will be set to ‘’ (empty string).

petab.v1.get_simulation_df(simulation_file: str | Path) DataFrame[source]

Read PEtab simulation table


simulation_file – URL or filename of PEtab simulation table


Simulation DataFrame

petab.v1.get_symbolic_noise_formulas(observable_df) dict[str, Expr][source]

Sympify noise formulas.


observable_df – The observable table.



Return type:

Dictionary of {observable_id}

petab.v1.get_valid_parameters_for_parameter_table(model: Model, condition_df: DataFrame, observable_df: DataFrame, measurement_df: DataFrame, mapping_df: DataFrame | None = None) set[str][source]

Get set of parameters which may be present inside the parameter table

  • model – PEtab model

  • condition_df – PEtab condition table

  • observable_df – PEtab observable table

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • mapping_df – PEtab mapping table for additional checks


Set of parameter IDs which PEtab allows to be present in the parameter table.

petab.v1.get_visualization_df(visualization_file: str | Path | DataFrame | None) DataFrame | None[source]

Read PEtab visualization table


visualization_file – URL or filename of PEtab visualization table to read from, or a DataFrame or None that will be returned as is.


Visualization DataFrame

petab.v1.globalize_parameters(sbml_model: Model, prepend_reaction_id: bool = False) None[source]

Turn all local parameters into global parameters with the same properties

Local parameters are currently ignored by other PEtab functions. Use this function to convert them to global parameters. There may exist local parameters with identical IDs within different kinetic laws. This is not checked here. If in doubt that local parameter IDs are unique, enable prepend_reaction_id to create global parameters named ${reaction_id}_${local_parameter_id}.

  • sbml_model – The SBML model to operate on

  • prepend_reaction_id – Prepend reaction id of local parameter when creating global parameters

petab.v1.handle_missing_overrides(mapping_par_opt_to_par_sim: dict[str, str | Number], warn: bool = True, condition_id: str | None = None) None[source]

Find all observable parameters and noise parameters that were not mapped and set their mapping to np.nan.

Assumes that parameters matching the regular expression (noise|observable)Parameter[0-9]+_ were all supposed to be overwritten.

  • mapping_par_opt_to_par_sim – Output of get_parameter_mapping_for_condition()

  • warn – If True, log warning regarding unmapped parameters

  • condition_id – Optional condition ID for more informative output

petab.v1.is_composite_problem(yaml_config: dict | str | Path) bool[source]

Does this YAML file comprise multiple models?


yaml_config – PEtab configuration as dictionary or YAML file name

petab.v1.is_empty(val) bool[source]

Check if the value val, e.g. a table entry, is empty.


val – The value to check.


Whether the field is to be considered empty.

petab.v1.is_sbml_consistent(sbml_document: SBMLDocument, check_units: bool = False) bool[source]

Check for SBML validity / consistency

  • sbml_document – SBML document to check

  • check_units – Also check for unit-related issues


False if problems were detected, otherwise True

petab.v1.is_scalar_float(x: Any)[source]

Checks whether input is a number or can be transformed into a number via float


x – input


True if is or can be converted to number, False otherwise.

petab.v1.is_valid_identifier(x: str) bool[source]

Check whether x is a valid identifier

Check whether x is a valid identifier for conditions, parameters, observables… . Identifiers may contain upper and lower case letters, digits and underscores, but must not start with a digit.


x – string to check


True if valid, False otherwise

petab.v1.lint_problem(problem: Problem) bool[source]

Run PEtab validation on problem


problem – PEtab problem to check


True if errors occurred, False otherwise

petab.v1.load_sbml_from_file(sbml_file: str) tuple[SBMLReader, SBMLDocument, Model][source]

Load SBML model from file


sbml_file – Filename of the SBML file


The SBML reader, document, model

petab.v1.load_sbml_from_string(sbml_string: str) tuple[SBMLReader, SBMLDocument, Model][source]

Load SBML model from string


sbml_string – Model as XML string


The SBML document, model and reader

petab.v1.load_yaml(yaml_config: dict | Path | str) dict[source]


Convenience function to allow for providing YAML inputs as filename, URL or as dictionary.


yaml_config – PEtab YAML config as filename or dict or URL.


The unmodified dictionary if yaml_config was dictionary. Otherwise the parsed the YAML file.

petab.v1.log_sbml_errors(sbml_document: SBMLDocument, minimum_severity=1) None[source]

Log libsbml errors

  • sbml_document – SBML document to check

  • minimum_severity – Minimum severity level to report (see libsbml documentation)

petab.v1.map_scale(parameters: Sequence[Number], scale_strs: Iterable[Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']] | Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']) Iterable[Number][source]

Scale the parameters, i.e. as scale(), but for Sequences.

  • parameters – Parameters to be scaled.

  • scale_strs – Scales to apply. Broadcast if a single string.


The scaled parameters.

petab.v1.map_unscale(parameters: Sequence[Number], scale_strs: Iterable[Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']] | Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']) Iterable[Number][source]

Unscale the parameters, i.e. as unscale(), but for Sequences.

  • parameters – Parameters to be unscaled.

  • scale_strs – Scales that the parameters are currently on. Broadcast if a single string.


The unscaled parameters.

petab.v1.measurement_is_at_steady_state(time: float) bool[source]

Check whether a measurement is at steady state.


time – The time.


Whether the measurement is at steady state.

petab.v1.measurement_table_has_observable_parameter_numeric_overrides(measurement_df: DataFrame) bool[source]

Are there any numbers to override observable parameters?


measurement_df – PEtab measurement table


True if there are any numbers to override observable/noise parameters, False otherwise.

petab.v1.measurement_table_has_timepoint_specific_mappings(measurement_df: DataFrame | None, allow_scalar_numeric_noise_parameters: bool = False, allow_scalar_numeric_observable_parameters: bool = False) bool[source]

Are there time-point or replicate specific parameter assignments in the measurement table.

  • measurement_df – PEtab measurement table

  • allow_scalar_numeric_noise_parameters – ignore scalar numeric assignments to noiseParameter placeholders

  • allow_scalar_numeric_observable_parameters – ignore scalar numeric assignments to observableParameter placeholders


True if there are time-point or replicate specific (non-numeric) parameter assignments in the measurement table, False otherwise.

petab.v1.measurements_have_replicates(measurement_df: DataFrame) bool[source]

Tests whether the measurements come with replicates


measurement_df – Measurement table


True if there are replicates, False otherwise

petab.v1.merge_preeq_and_sim_pars(parameter_mappings: Iterable[tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str | Number]]], scale_mappings: Iterable[tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]]) tuple[list[tuple[dict[str, str | Number], dict[str, str | Number]]], list[tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, str]]]][source]

Merge preequilibration and simulation parameters and scales for a list of conditions while checking for compatibility.

  • parameter_mappings – As returned by petab.get_optimization_to_simulation_parameter_mapping().

  • scale_mappings – As returned by petab.get_optimization_to_simulation_parameter_mapping().


The parameter and scale simulation mappings, modified and checked.

petab.v1.merge_preeq_and_sim_pars_condition(condition_map_preeq: dict[str, str | Number], condition_map_sim: dict[str, str | Number], condition_scale_map_preeq: dict[str, str], condition_scale_map_sim: dict[str, str], condition: Any) None[source]

Merge preequilibration and simulation parameters and scales for a single condition while checking for compatibility.

This function is meant for the case where we cannot have different parameters (and scales) for preequilibration and simulation. Therefore, merge both and ensure matching scales and parameters. condition_map_sim and condition_scale_map_sim will be modified in place.

petab.v1.normalize_parameter_df(parameter_df: DataFrame) DataFrame[source]

Add missing columns and fill in default values.

petab.v1.observable_table_has_nontrivial_noise_formula(observable_df: DataFrame | None) bool[source]

Does any observable have a noise formula that is not just a single parameter?


observable_df – PEtab observable table


True if any noise formula does not consist of a single identifier, False otherwise.

petab.v1.resolve_mapping(mapping_df: DataFrame | None, element: str) str[source]

Resolve mapping for a given element.

  • element – Element to resolve.

  • mapping_df – Mapping table.


Resolved element.

petab.v1.sample_from_prior(prior: tuple[str, list, str, list], n_starts: int) array[source]

Creates samples for one parameter based on prior

  • prior – A tuple as obtained from petab.parameter.get_priors_from_df()

  • n_starts – Number of samples


Array with sampled values

petab.v1.sample_noise(petab_problem: Problem, measurement_row: Series, simulated_value: float, noise_formulas: dict[str, Expr] | None = None, rng: Generator | None = None, noise_scaling_factor: float = 1, zero_bounded: bool = False) float[source]

Generate a sample from a PEtab noise distribution.

  • petab_problem – The PEtab problem used to generate the simulated value. Instance of petab.Problem.

  • measurement_row – The row in the PEtab problem measurement table that corresponds to the simulated value.

  • simulated_value – A simulated value without noise.

  • noise_formulas – Processed noise formulas from the PEtab observables table, in the form output by petab.calculate.get_symbolic_noise_formulas().

  • rng – A NumPy random generator.

  • noise_scaling_factor – A multiplier of the scale of the noise distribution.

  • zero_bounded – Return zero if the sign of the return value and simulated_value differ. Can be used to ensure non-negative and non-positive values, if the sign of simulated_value should not change.


The sample from the PEtab noise distribution.

petab.v1.sample_parameter_startpoints(parameter_df: DataFrame, n_starts: int = 100, seed: int | None = None, parameter_ids: Sequence[str] | None = None) array[source]

Create numpy.array with starting points for an optimization

  • parameter_df – PEtab parameter DataFrame

  • n_starts – Number of points to be sampled

  • seed – Random number generator seed (see numpy.random.seed())

  • parameter_ids – A sequence of parameter IDs for which to sample starting points. For subsetting or reordering the parameters. Defaults to all estimated parameters.


Array of sampled starting points with dimensions n_startpoints x n_optimization_parameters

petab.v1.scale(parameter: Number, scale_str: Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']) Number[source]

Scale parameter according to scale_str.

  • parameter – Parameter to be scaled.

  • scale_str – One of 'lin' (synonymous with ''), 'log', 'log10'.


The scaled parameter.

petab.v1.split_parameter_replacement_list(list_string: str | Number, delim: str = ';') list[str | Number][source]

Split values in observableParameters and noiseParameters in measurement table.

  • list_string – delim-separated stringified list

  • delim – delimiter


List of split values. Numeric values may be converted to float, and parameter IDs are kept as strings.

petab.v1.to_float_if_float(x: Any) Any[source]

Return input as float if possible, otherwise return as is


x – Anything


x as float if possible, otherwise x

petab.v1.unflatten_simulation_df(simulation_df: DataFrame, petab_problem: petab.problem.Problem) DataFrame[source]

Unflatten simulations from a flattened PEtab problem.

A flattened PEtab problem is the output of applying flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides() to a PEtab problem.

  • simulation_df – The simulation dataframe. A dataframe in the same format as a PEtab measurements table, but with the measurement column switched with a simulation column.

  • petab_problem – The unflattened PEtab problem.


The simulation dataframe for the unflattened PEtab problem.

petab.v1.unique_preserve_order(seq: Sequence) list[source]

Return a list of unique elements in Sequence, keeping only the first occurrence of each element


seq – Sequence to prune


List of unique elements in seq

petab.v1.unscale(parameter: Number, scale_str: Literal['', 'lin', 'log', 'log10']) Number[source]

Unscale parameter according to scale_str.

  • parameter – Parameter to be unscaled.

  • scale_str – One of 'lin' (synonymous with ''), 'log', 'log10'.


The unscaled parameter.

petab.v1.validate(yaml_config: dict | str | Path, path_prefix: None | str | Path = None)[source]

Validate syntax and semantics of PEtab config YAML

  • yaml_config – PEtab YAML config as filename or dict.

  • path_prefix – Base location for relative paths. Defaults to location of YAML file if a filename was provided for yaml_config or the current working directory.

petab.v1.validate_yaml_semantics(yaml_config: dict | str | Path, path_prefix: None | str | Path = None)[source]

Validate PEtab YAML file semantics

Check for existence of files. Assumes valid syntax.

Version number and contents of referenced files are not yet checked.

  • yaml_config – PEtab YAML config as filename or dict.

  • path_prefix – Base location for relative paths. Defaults to location of YAML file if a filename was provided for yaml_config or the current working directory.


AssertionError – in case of problems

petab.v1.validate_yaml_syntax(yaml_config: dict | str | Path, schema: None | dict | str = None)[source]

Validate PEtab YAML file syntax

  • yaml_config – PEtab YAML file to validate, as file name or dictionary

  • schema – Custom schema for validation

:raises see jsonschema.validate():

petab.v1.write_condition_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab condition table

  • df – PEtab condition table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_mapping_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab mapping table

  • df – PEtab mapping table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_measurement_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab measurement table

  • df – PEtab measurement table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_observable_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab observable table

  • df – PEtab observable table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_parameter_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab parameter table

  • df – PEtab parameter table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_sbml(sbml_doc: SBMLDocument, filename: Path | str) None[source]

Write PEtab visualization table

  • sbml_doc – SBML document containing the SBML model

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_simulation_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab simulation table

  • df – PEtab simulation table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_visualization_df(df: DataFrame, filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab visualization table

  • df – PEtab visualization table

  • filename – Destination file name

petab.v1.write_yaml(yaml_config: dict[str, Any], filename: str | Path) None[source]

Write PEtab YAML file

  • yaml_config – Data to write

  • filename – File to create



This file contains constant definitions.


Functions performing various calculations.


PEtab problems consisting of multiple models


Functions operating on the PEtab condition table


PEtab core functions (or functions that don't fit anywhere else)


PEtab file format version


Integrity checks and tests for specific features used


Functionality related to the PEtab entity mapping table


Functions for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.


Functions operating on the PEtab measurement table


Handling of different model types supported by PEtab.


Functions for working with the PEtab observables table


Functions related to mapping parameter from model to parameter estimation problem


Functions operating on the PEtab parameter table


Functions related to prior handling.


PEtab Problem class


Functions related to parameter sampling


Functions for interacting with SBML models


Functionality for simplifying PEtab problems


PEtab simulator base class and related functions.




Code regarding the PEtab YAML config files