
PEtab core functions (or functions that don’t fit anywhere else)


concat_tables(tables, …) Concatenate DataFrames provided as DataFrames or filenames, and a parser
flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides(…) Flatten timepoint-specific output parameter overrides.
get_notnull_columns(df, candidates) Return list of df-columns in candidates which are not all null/nan.
get_observable_id(parameter_id) Get PEtab observable ID from PEtab-style sigma or observable AssignmentRule-target parameter_id.
get_simulation_df(simulation_file) Read PEtab simulation table
get_visualization_df(visualization_file) Read PEtab visualization table
parameter_is_offset_parameter(parameter, formula) Check if is offset parameter.
parameter_is_scaling_parameter(parameter, …) Check if is scaling parameter.
to_float_if_float(x) Return input as float if possible, otherwise return as is
write_simulation_df(df, filename) Write PEtab simulation table
write_visualization_df(df, filename) Write PEtab visualization table
petab.core.concat_tables(tables: Union[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Iterable[Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, str]]], file_parser: Optional[Callable] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Concatenate DataFrames provided as DataFrames or filenames, and a parser

  • tables – Iterable of tables to join, as DataFrame or filename.
  • file_parser – Function used to read the table in case filenames are provided, accepting a filename as only argument.

The concatenated DataFrames

petab.core.flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides(petab_problem: petab.problem.Problem) → None

Flatten timepoint-specific output parameter overrides.

If the PEtab problem definition has timepoint-specific observableParameters or noiseParameters for the same observable, replace those by replicating the respective observable.

This is a helper function for some tools which may not support such timepoint-specific mappings. The observable table and measurement table are modified in place.

Parameters:petab_problem – PEtab problem to work on
petab.core.get_notnull_columns(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, candidates: Iterable[T_co])

Return list of df-columns in candidates which are not all null/nan.

The output can e.g. be used as input for pandas.DataFrame.groupby.

  • df – Dataframe
  • candidates – Columns of df to consider
petab.core.get_observable_id(parameter_id: str) → str

Get PEtab observable ID from PEtab-style sigma or observable AssignmentRule-target parameter_id.

e.g. for ‘observable_obs1’ -> ‘obs1’, for ‘sigma_obs1’ -> ‘obs1’

Parameters:parameter_id – Some parameter ID
Returns:Observable ID
petab.core.get_simulation_df(simulation_file: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Read PEtab simulation table

Parameters:simulation_file – URL or filename of PEtab simulation table
Returns:Simulation DataFrame
petab.core.get_visualization_df(visualization_file: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Read PEtab visualization table

Parameters:visualization_file – URL or filename of PEtab visualization table
Returns:Visualization DataFrame
petab.core.parameter_is_offset_parameter(parameter: str, formula: str) → bool

Check if is offset parameter.

  • parameter – Some identifier.
  • formula – Some sympy-compatible formula.

True if parameter parameter is an offset parameter with positive sign in formula formula.

petab.core.parameter_is_scaling_parameter(parameter: str, formula: str) → bool

Check if is scaling parameter.

  • parameter – Some identifier.
  • formula – Some sympy-compatible formula.

True if parameter parameter is a scaling parameter in formula


petab.core.to_float_if_float(x: Any) → Any

Return input as float if possible, otherwise return as is

Parameters:x – Anything
Returns:x as float if possible, otherwise x
petab.core.write_simulation_df(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, filename: str) → None

Write PEtab simulation table

  • df – PEtab simulation table
  • filename – Destination file name
petab.core.write_visualization_df(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, filename: str) → None

Write PEtab visualization table

  • df – PEtab visualization table
  • filename – Destination file name