
PEtab core functions


create_condition_df(parameter_ids, condition_ids) Create empty condition dataframe
create_measurement_df() Create empty measurement dataframe
create_parameter_df(sbml_model, …) Create a new PEtab parameter table
flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides(…) If the PEtab problem definition has timepoint-specific observableParameters or noiseParameters for the same observable, replace those by replicating the respective observable.
get_condition_df(condition_file_name) Read the provided condition file into a pandas.Dataframe
get_default_condition_file_name(model_name, …) Get file name according to proposed convention
get_default_measurement_file_name(…) Get file name according to proposed convention
get_default_parameter_file_name(model_name, …) Get file name according to proposed convention
get_default_sbml_file_name(model_name, folder) Get file name according to proposed convention
get_measurement_df(measurement_file_name) Read the provided measurement file into a pandas.Dataframe.
get_measurement_parameter_ids(measurement_df) Return list of ID of parameters which occur in measurement table as observable or noise parameter overrides.
get_model_parameters(sbml_model) Return list of SBML model parameter IDs which are not AssignmentRule targets for observables or sigmas
get_noise_distributions(measurement_df) Returns dictionary of cost definitions per observable, if specified.
get_notnull_columns(df, candidates) Return list of df-columns in candidates which are not all null/nan.
get_observable_id(parameter_id) Get observable id from sigma or observable parameter_id
get_observables(sbml_model, remove) Returns dictionary of observable definitions.
get_optimization_parameters(parameter_df) Get list of optimization parameter ids from parameter dataframe.
get_parameter_df(parameter_file_name) Read the provided parameter file into a pandas.Dataframe.
get_placeholders(formula_string, …) Get placeholder variables in noise or observable definition for the given observable ID.
get_priors_from_df(parameter_df) Create list with information about the parameter priors
get_required_parameters_for_parameter_table(…) Get set of parameters which need to go into the parameter table
get_rows_for_condition(measurement_df, …) Extract rows in measurement_df for condition according to ‘preequilibrationConditionId’ and ‘simulationConditionId’ in condition.
get_sigmas(sbml_model, remove) Returns dictionary of sigma definitions.
get_simulation_conditions(measurement_df) Create a table of separate simulation conditions.
measurements_have_replicates(measurement_df) Tests whether the measurements come with replicates
parameter_is_offset_parameter(parameter, formula) Returns true if parameter parameter is an offset parameter with positive sign in formula formula.
parameter_is_scaling_parameter(parameter, …) Returns true if parameter parameter is a scaling parameter in formula formula.
sample_from_prior(prior, n_starts) Creates samples based on prior
sample_parameter_startpoints(parameter_df, …) Create numpy.array with starting points for an optimization
sbml_parameter_is_observable(sbml_parameter) Returns whether the libsbml.Parameter sbml_parameter matches the defined observable format.
sbml_parameter_is_sigma(sbml_parameter) Returns whether the libsbml.Parameter sbml_parameter matches the defined sigma format.
split_parameter_replacement_list(…) Split values in observableParameters and noiseParameters in measurement table.


Problem(sbml_model, sbml_reader, …) PEtab parameter estimation problem as defined by - SBML model - condition table - measurement table - parameter table [optional]
class petab.core.Problem(sbml_model: libsbml.Model = None, sbml_reader: libsbml.SBMLReader = None, sbml_document: libsbml.SBMLDocument = None, condition_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None, parameter_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None)

Bases: object

PEtab parameter estimation problem as defined by - SBML model - condition table - measurement table - parameter table [optional]


@type pandas.DataFrame


@type pandas.DataFrame


@type pandas.DataFrame


@type libsbml.SBMLReader Stored to keep object alive.


@type libsbml.Document Stored to keep object alive.


@type libsbml.Model

create_parameter_df(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new PEtab parameter table

See create_parameter_df

static from_files(sbml_file: str = None, condition_file: str = None, measurement_file: str = None, parameter_file: str = None) → petab.core.Problem

Factory method to load model and tables from files.

  • sbml_file – PEtab SBML model
  • condition_file – PEtab condition table
  • measurement_file – PEtab measurement table
  • parameter_file – PEtab parameter table
static from_folder(folder: str, model_name: str = None) → petab.core.Problem

Factory method to use the standard folder structure and file names, i.e.

+– experimentalCondition_${model_name}.tsv +– measurementData_${model_name}.tsv +– model_${model_name}.xml +– parameters_${model_name}.tsv
  • folder – Path to the directory in which the files are located.
  • model_name – If specified, overrides the model component in the file names. Defaults to the last component of folder.

Provide list of IDs of parameters which are fixed (i.e. not subject to optimization, no sensitivities w.r.t. these parameters are required).


See get_model_parameters


See get_noise_distributions.

get_observables(remove: bool = False)

Returns dictionary of observables definitions See assignment_rules_to_dict for details.


Return list of optimization parameter IDs.

See get_optimization_parameters.

get_optimization_to_simulation_parameter_mapping(warn_unmapped: bool = True)

See get_simulation_to_optimization_parameter_mapping.

get_sigmas(remove: bool = False)

Return dictionary of observableId => sigma as defined in the SBML model. This does not include parameter mappings defined in the measurement table.


See petab.get_simulation_conditions


Parameter table lower bounds

sample_parameter_startpoints(n_starts: int = 100)

Create starting points for optimization

See sample_parameter_startpoints


Parameter table upper bounds


Parameter table non-estimated parameter indices


Nominal values for parameter table non-estimated parameters


Parameter table parameter IDs


Parameter table nominal values

petab.core.create_condition_df(parameter_ids: Iterable[str], condition_ids: Iterable[str] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Create empty condition dataframe

  • parameter_ids – the columns
  • condition_ids – the rows

An pandas.DataFrame with empty given rows and columns and all nan values

petab.core.create_measurement_df() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Create empty measurement dataframe

petab.core.create_parameter_df(sbml_model: libsbml.Model, condition_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, parameter_scale: str = 'log10', lower_bound: Iterable[T_co] = None, upper_bound: Iterable[T_co] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Create a new PEtab parameter table

All table entries can be provided as string or list-like with length matching the number of parameters

  • sbml_model – @type libsbml.Model
  • condition_df – @type pandas.DataFrame
  • measurement_df – @type pandas.DataFrame
  • parameter_scale – parameter scaling
  • lower_bound – lower bound for parameter value
  • upper_bound – upper bound for parameter value
petab.core.flatten_timepoint_specific_output_overrides(petab_problem: petab.core.Problem) → None

If the PEtab problem definition has timepoint-specific observableParameters or noiseParameters for the same observable, replace those by replicating the respective observable.

This is a helper function for some tools which may not support such timepoint-specific mappings.

Parameters:petab_problem – PEtab problem to work on
petab.core.get_condition_df(condition_file_name: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Read the provided condition file into a pandas.Dataframe

Conditions are rows, parameters are columns, conditionId is index.

petab.core.get_default_condition_file_name(model_name: str, folder: str = '')

Get file name according to proposed convention

petab.core.get_default_measurement_file_name(model_name: str, folder: str = '')

Get file name according to proposed convention

petab.core.get_default_parameter_file_name(model_name: str, folder: str = '')

Get file name according to proposed convention

petab.core.get_default_sbml_file_name(model_name: str, folder: str = '')

Get file name according to proposed convention

petab.core.get_measurement_df(measurement_file_name: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Read the provided measurement file into a pandas.Dataframe.

petab.core.get_measurement_parameter_ids(measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → list

Return list of ID of parameters which occur in measurement table as observable or noise parameter overrides.

petab.core.get_model_parameters(sbml_model: libsbml.Model) → List[str]

Return list of SBML model parameter IDs which are not AssignmentRule targets for observables or sigmas

petab.core.get_noise_distributions(measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → dict

Returns dictionary of cost definitions per observable, if specified.

Looks through all parameters satisfying sbml_parameter_is_cost and return as dictionary.

Parameters:measurement_df – PEtab measurement table
Returns:cost definition}
Return type:{observableId
petab.core.get_notnull_columns(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, candidates: Iterable[T_co])

Return list of df-columns in candidates which are not all null/nan. The output can e.g. be used as input for pandas.DataFrame.groupby.

petab.core.get_observable_id(parameter_id: str) → str

Get observable id from sigma or observable parameter_id

e.g. for observable_obs1 -> obs1
sigma_obs1 -> obs1
petab.core.get_observables(sbml_model: libsbml.Model, remove: bool = False) → dict

Returns dictionary of observable definitions. See assignment_rules_to_dict for details.

petab.core.get_optimization_parameters(parameter_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → List[str]

Get list of optimization parameter ids from parameter dataframe.

petab.core.get_parameter_df(parameter_file_name: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Read the provided parameter file into a pandas.Dataframe.

petab.core.get_placeholders(formula_string: str, observable_id: str, override_type: str) → set

Get placeholder variables in noise or observable definition for the given observable ID.

  • formula_string – observable formula (typically from SBML model)
  • observable_id – ID of current observable
  • override_type – ‘observable’ or ‘noise’, depending on whether formula is for observable or for noise model

(Un-ordered) set of placeholder parameter IDs

petab.core.get_priors_from_df(parameter_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

Create list with information about the parameter priors

Parameters:parameter_df – @type pandas.DataFrame
petab.core.get_required_parameters_for_parameter_table(sbml_model: libsbml.Model, condition_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → Set[str]

Get set of parameters which need to go into the parameter table

petab.core.get_rows_for_condition(measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, condition: Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, dict]) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract rows in measurement_df for condition according to ‘preequilibrationConditionId’ and ‘simulationConditionId’ in condition.

Returns:cur_measurement_df – The subselection of rows in measurement_df for the condition condition.
Return type:pd.DataFrame
petab.core.get_sigmas(sbml_model: libsbml.Model, remove: bool = False) → dict

Returns dictionary of sigma definitions.

Keys are observable IDs, for values see assignment_rules_to_dict for details.

petab.core.get_simulation_conditions(measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Create a table of separate simulation conditions. A simulation condition is a specific combination of simulationConditionId and preequilibrationConditionId.

Parameters:measurement_df – PEtab measurement table
Returns:Dataframe with columns ‘simulationConditionId’ and ‘preequilibrationConditionId’. All-NULL columns will be omitted.
petab.core.measurements_have_replicates(measurement_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → bool

Tests whether the measurements come with replicates

Parameters:measurement_df – Measurement table
Returns:True if there are replicates, False otherwise
petab.core.parameter_is_offset_parameter(parameter: str, formula: str) → bool

Returns true if parameter parameter is an offset parameter with positive sign in formula formula.

petab.core.parameter_is_scaling_parameter(parameter: str, formula: str) → bool

Returns true if parameter parameter is a scaling parameter in formula formula.

petab.core.sample_from_prior(prior: tuple, n_starts: int)

Creates samples based on prior

  • prior – @type tuple
  • n_starts – @type int
petab.core.sample_parameter_startpoints(parameter_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, n_starts: int = 100)

Create numpy.array with starting points for an optimization

Dimension of output: n_optimization_parameters x n_startpoints

  • parameter_df – @type pandas.DataFrame
  • n_starts – @type int
petab.core.sbml_parameter_is_observable(sbml_parameter: libsbml.Parameter) → bool

Returns whether the libsbml.Parameter sbml_parameter matches the defined observable format.

petab.core.sbml_parameter_is_sigma(sbml_parameter: libsbml.Parameter) → bool

Returns whether the libsbml.Parameter sbml_parameter matches the defined sigma format.

petab.core.split_parameter_replacement_list(list_string: Union[str, numbers.Number], delim: str = ';') → List[T]

Split values in observableParameters and noiseParameters in measurement table. Convert numeric values to float.

  • delim – delimiter
  • list_string – delim-separated stringified list